Acupuncture Quit Smoking Therapy

Acupuncture Quit Smoking Therapy

Acupuncture quit smoking therapy offers real solid hope to countless smokers who are trying to quit smoking. It was discovered via the traditional Chinese acupuncture practices which exists long ago. Acupuncture is the application of needles on specific chi points of...
Acupuncture Quit Smoking Stop

Acupuncture Quit Smoking Stop

Jane was sitting comfortable in her armchair enjoying her after-diner cigarette. While checking the mail, she spotted an email – ìStop smoking now!î Although it was one of those irritating spam emails, it somehow caught her attention. She has been smoking for a...
What is a Kansa Massage?

What is a Kansa Massage?

Kansa massage is a massage therapy that employs the practice of using bronze metal hand tools to do touch and kneading. Kansa, a type of bronze, is also used to produce sacred musical instruments like bells, singing bowls, statues, and other religious items.They are...
Using Acupuncture For Weight Loss

Using Acupuncture For Weight Loss

Weight loss can be a difficult task for almost anyone. The constant struggle for self-control and the multitude of health problems that make weight loss difficult are nearly innumerable. All around the world, people spend billions of dollars trying to achieve success...