Chances are, you’ve heard about the benefits of using CBD. Perhaps you even have a friend or family member who has turned to CBD in order to help manage their pain.

What you may not know is how CBD actually works, how it can help with different types of chronic pain, as well as a myriad of other ailments, and what formats are available and how to choose the best one for you.

This is why we’ve written this special report, CBD for Beginners.

Throughout the coming chapters, we’ll cover all these topics and more. We’ll also discuss some common myths and misconceptions CBD so you are better informed about the many benefits of CBD and how it can improve the quality of your life.

Let’s begin!

CBD for Beginners,

CBD Explained

CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It’s one of over a hundred compounds produced in the resinous flowers of the cannabis plant. The gooey resin is concentrated on the dense clusters of flowers (commonly called buds) of the plant. These are covered by tiny, mushroom- shaped structures known as trichomes.

These trichomes protect the plant from heat and UV radiation. They’re glandular, and create a treasure trove of medicinal compounds, including CBD, THC, and various aromatic terpenes.

The trichome oil also has antifungal, antibacterial, and insecticidal properties that repel pests and predators. The stickiness of the resin also helps by trapping insects.

And contrary to popular belief, CBD isn’t the compound that makes you feel “high” – that’s called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

CBD is non-addictive, so you don’t need to worry about developing a “habit” from its use.

CBD oil comes from these resinous trichomes of the cannabis flower. However, there are many different strains or varietals of the plant, and the amount of CBD in the flowers depends on which strain you harvest.

Low-resin industrial hemp, which is legally defined as Cannabis with less than 0.03 percent THC by dry weight, has fewer trichomes (and thus, less oil) than high-resin strains do.

However, most high-resin strains nowadays are THC-dominant with little CBD. Therefore, it’s important to choose an appropriate CBD-rich Cannabis strain

Once you have a CBD-rich source, you then extract the oil. There are several ways to do this and each has its pros and cons.

The purpose of this extraction is to make the CBD and other beneficial components of the flower available in a highly concentrated form. Because the cannabinoids are naturally oily, separating the CBD from the plant material creates a thick, potent oil.

CBD is soluble in both oil and alcohol. Thus, the process of extraction usually uses a chemical that can dissolve an oil or alcohol-based compound. These chemicals include supercritical CO2, ethanol, hydrocarbons like butane, and common olive oil.

CO2 extraction is one of the safest methods, and it’s the one most commonly used commercially. Under high pressure and fluctuating temperature, CO2 becomes a liquid which can flush out the active ingredients of the plant matter.

This method is very effective because each compound in the oil can only be extracted by CO2 under very specific temperatures

and pressures. This means you can fine-tune the process to extract pure CBD instead of a chemical stew.

Ethanol extraction has been used in many cultures for centuries. In 1854, the US Pharmacopeia recommended ethanol-based tinctures of “Indian hemp” to treat many ailments (including anxiety, depression, pain, and even muscle spasm).

Until 1937, when the Marijuana Tax Act was passed, these tinctures were commonly sold and used by the public, and in recent years, ethanol extraction has once again become popular.

Today, food-grade grain alcohol is used to create very potent, high-quality CBD-rich oil suitable for oral ingestion.

Hydrocarbon extraction (such as butane, hexane, or propane) has some major advantages as well as disadvantages compared to the other methods.

When done properly, this technique is very effective at separating cannabinoids and terpenes from unwanted plant components like chlorophyll.

However, the hydrocarbons are highly flammable. The potent concentrates of this extraction method, which are inhaled or “vaped,” can be very harmful to the user, especially if they have compromised immune systems.

Finally, olive oil extraction is simple and cheap – and you can do it at home if marijuana is legal in your area! Heat the plant matter in the oven. This will turn THCA into THC and CBDA into CBD. Steep the flowers and leaves in the olive oil.

Then sift, strain, and separate the oil from what’s left of the plant.

Note: This process doesn’t strain out the THC, so this product can produce a “high.” Cannabis-infused olive oil is perishable and should be stored in a dark, cool place so it doesn’t spoil.

How CBD Can Improve Your Life

CBD has been used as a medicine in many cultures for thousands of years. So, how can it help you?

Many consumers today are looking for safer alternatives to prescription drugs and their often harsh side effects. CBD has been proven to provide relief from many chronic conditions without any harmful side effects.}

Let’s take a closer look at just a few ways CBD could help improve the quality of your life:

Chronic Pain

CBD creates anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects that quickly help with pain management. It’s been studied in relation with reducing cancer pain, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia,

arthritis, migraines, and other body pain, particularly back and neck pain.

Anxiety Management

CBD interacts with distinct receptors found mostly in the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

While the exact way CBD interacts isn’t quite known, it’s believed that it may alter serotonin signals which is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in your overall mental health.

Low serotonin levels have been directly associated with depression and anxiety. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that CBD has been shown to reduce stress in rats, which means it could be used for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

Inflammation is a natural response to injury. Chronic inflammation is a prolonged response that can negatively impact

tissues and organs. Chronic inflammation is found with many diseases and disorders, like Crohn’s disease, cancer, ulcerative colitis, asthma, and diabetes.

A 2015 review in Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry found that CBD reduces inflammation through several pathways in the body and occurs relatively quickly.


CBD is thought to interact with special receptors found mostly in the central nervous system (CB!) and peripheral nervous system (CB2).

A 2014 study found CBD produced an antidepressant and anti- anxiety effect, and a 2018 review found that CBD can reduce stress if the depression is stress related.

Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune disorders are where the body’s immune system gets mixed up and thinks its own cells are the invaders. Then, it goes to work attacking different areas of the body as if they were diseased. CBD has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, so it may help with autoimmune disorders.

Metabolic Syndrome (diabetes or obesity)

Diabetes is an inflammatory condition and CBD has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects.

A 2016 study, published in Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, found that CBD-treated mice showed a reduction in pancreatic inflammation and developed diabetes later than mice who didn’t receive the compound.

They also showed a reduction in immune-cell activity, which can cause inflammation. CBD has shown promise in lowering insulin resistance and moderating blood sugar in people with Type 2 diabetes who are not taking insulin.

Neuropsychiatric Illness (alcoholism, PTSD)

A 2019 review of several studies found that CBD potentially showed anti-psychotic and anxiolytic properties. It was also shown to reduce the addictive effects of many common drugs.

Several recent studies have shown that CBD can help with Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms like nightmares and replaying negative memories.

These studies looked at CBD as a stand-alone treatment and along with traditional medication or cognitive behavioral therapy.

Cardiovascular Dysfunction (arrhythmia, atherosclerosis)

CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects may be able to reduce some of the risks of cardiovascular disorder like high blood pressure.

In a 2009 study, CBD did reduce the blood pressure of rats exposed to a stressful stimulus. In 2017, a study showed reduced blood pressure in people compared with a placebo.

Skin Disorders (acne, dermatitis, psoriasis)

Topical CBD also reduces oil production, provides moisture to the skin, and may relieve pain and itching. These products are also showing encouraging results in pain relief caused by certain skin disorders.

CBD also has proven neuroprotective effects, meaning that it protects your nervous cells and system. Several academic research centers are now investigating CBD’s anti-cancer effects.

The Top 5 Forms of CBD

CBD is available in many different forms, so before you choose which one is best suited for you, here’s a quick overview of currently available options.

Let’s take a closer look:

Capsules: These are used for systemic treatment of conditions such as seizures or digestive issues. They are also ingested to help with a variety of other health problems, including acne, anorexia and even glaucoma.

Remember that you must allow enough time for the capsule to dissolve in your stomach and be distributed throughout your body by your blood stream.

CBD for Beginners: Special Report 16

When you swallow a capsule, it’s absorbed through your intestines and sent to the liver. It takes about an hour to feel the effects if you take it on an empty stomach, and up to three hours if you’ve eaten recently. This means don’t take more until after at least 3-4 hours have passed.

The psychoactive effects of a capsule subside after around six hours in the average person. Other effects may last up to twelve hours. This longer-acting effect makes capsules suitable for many chronic conditions.

Gummy Edibles: Like capsules, gummy edibles first must be digested and pass through the liver before they begin to take effect. Again, remember not to take more until at least three hours have passed.

Oral Spray: Many studies have shown that CBD, through oral spray specifically that has a combination of CBD and THC, have

been proven to be a safe and effective way to reduce muscle spasticity in those suffering from multiple sclerosis.

Tinctures: Tinctures are made with a solvent like ethanol or sesame or olive oil. They’re applied into the mouth, or under the tongue. These doses are absorbed directly into the blood vessels in the mouth.

How it works: You spray or drop the liquid onto the skin in your mouth and wait at least 1-2 minutes for it to absorb before you swallow. If you just swallow immediately, it’s going to take much longer to have an effect, like a capsule or edible does. It’s best not to eat or drink immediately before or after taking a tincture.

Tinctures take between 15 minutes to an hour to have full effect. They last anywhere between six to eight hours.

Tip: Always start with the lowest dose possible if you are new to CBD. 2.5 to 5.0 milligrams are a good starting dose for most

people. Always pay close attention to the label so you’ll be certain exactly how much cannabinoid you’re getting per dose.

Vaping: Inhaling CBD is the fastest way of administering the drug. The chemicals are sent straight to the brain before they pass

through the liver, so they take effect within seconds to minutes.

Most effects usually dissipate within two to three hours. The short onset and duration make this method good for acute problems like nausea.

The fast onset also allows patients to adjust their dose quickly. Even if you do get a “high,” it won’t last very long and you can adjust the next dose accordingly.

One thing to consider, however: vaping has been shown to be a dangerous habit and carries unique risks as they are often diluted

with other substances such as MCT, oils and fats that are typically derived from natural sources like olive or coconut oil.

And while these oils are safe to eat, it hasn’t been proven whether they are safe to vape.

Creams, lotions, and gels: These topical products are rubbed onto the skin to provide quick pain relief for muscles and joints.

The CBD is not usually absorbed into the blood stream in any significant amount, so you don’t need to worry about getting “high” or causing side effects.

What You Need to Know

We encourage our readers to seek out products made from the unfertilized flower tops of high-resin, CBD-rich cannabis, which is better suited for extracting medicinal oil than is low-resin fiber hemp, or industrial hemp grown for seed oil or protein.

Plant breeders have been creating high-resin cannabis varietals with CBD levels over ten percent, while keeping the THC under 0.3 percent.

If you live in a state where medical marijuana is legal, always buy your CBD from a licensed dispensary.

If you don’t live in such a state, you can still obtain CBD from the internet, but you must be far more careful.

There is no regulation of these products and you usually have no idea how much CBD you’re going to be getting. Further, many hemp-derived CBD products are mislabeled.

A study reported in the American Medical Association journal reported that, out of 85 products tested, 69 percent had an incorrect amount of CBD listed on the label. Another survey found significant discrepancies among some of the leading hemp- derived CBD products.

They falsely claim full-spectrum CBD-rich oil is included in their products, but lab tests of several samples revealed that only a single cannabinoid (CBD) was present. This indicates that the products are made with CBD-isolate rather than the more effective whole plant CBD-rich extract.

Another problem: some of the highly processed hemp products also contain toxic solvent residues, corn syrup, artificial colors and flavors, and other contaminants.

How can you tell which products are safe for use?

Consumer Reports suggests using products made in states where medicinal marijuana is legalized. Those tend to have stricter standards and regulations. If you live in a “CBD-Only” state, choose CBD products made with American-grown hemp.

Choose full-spectrum, CBD-rich oil extracts instead of products labeled “pure CBD” or “no THC.”

Full spectrum means it contains several cannabis compounds, including a little THC. If THC is illegal in your state, look for “broad spectrum” CBD oil products that still contain other cannabinoids (but no THC).

Here are some things you should avoid when choosing a CBD product:

  • Companies that make grandiose promises or explicit health claims. This is not allowed by the FDA.
  • CBD hemp oil vape cartridges made with toxic thinning agents like propylene glycol or polyethylene glycol. Also, avoid flavoring agents and other toxic additives.
  • Poor-quality CBD-infused gummies made with corn syrup and artificial colors.
  • Brands that claim their CBD is extracted from the hemp seed and/or stalk. CBD is not found in hempseed and very little is found in the stalks. Don’t be afraid to reach out and contact any CBD company you are considering purchasing through. Ask questions prior to making a decision to purchase to ensure you are properly informed.

Common CBD Myths & Misconceptions

Unfortunately, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding the use of CBD. Let’s take a closer look at the most common ones.

Myth #1: CBD is medical, and THC is recreational.

In truth, THC has amazing medicinal properties as does CBD. Scientists at the Scripps Research Center in San Diego reported that “THC inhibits an enzyme implicated in the formation of amyloid beta plaque,” which is the type of plaque found in Alzheimer’s disease.

The FDA recognizes single-molecule THC (dronabinol, brand name Marinol) as an anti-nausea agent and appetite booster. They

classify it only as a Class III drug, which is reserved for less- addictive substances.

Myth #2: CBD is most effective without THC.
In truth, CBD and THC work best together, just as the cannabis

plant creates them.

Scientific studies have proven that THC and CBD act in tandem with each one enhancing the other’s therapeutic and natural healing effects.

Myth #3: CBD is not psychoactive.

CBD certainly isn’t an intoxicant, but it’s a mistake to label it non- psychoactive.

It does act as a powerful mood-altering compound, even though you don’t get “high” like you do from THC. It’s more accurate to say, “CBD isn’t as psychoactive as THC.”

Myth #4: Psychoactivity is always an adverse side effect.

Big Pharma is looking to synthesize medically active marijuana-like molecules that don’t make people “high.” So, to them, the “high” is an unwanted side effect.

In truth, the word euphoria literally means “having health” in Greek; it’s a state of well-being.

Dr. Tod Mikuriya, a psychiatrist and author of books such as the Marijuana Medical Papers says, “We should be thinking of cannabis as a medicine first. One that happens to have some psychoactive properties, as many medicines do, rather than an intoxicant that happens to have a few therapeutic properties on the side.”

Myth #5: CBD is just like a sedative.

The truth is that very high doses of CBD may trigger a sleep- promoting effect (perfect for those suffering from insomnia), however moderate doses can actually be mildly energizing.

In other words, CBD doesn’t cause sedation, but it may help restore better sleeping patterns by helping your brain produce more melatonin throughout the night.

And since it also helps reduce anxiety, it can help improve the quality and duration of your sleep.

Myth #6: High doses of CBD work better than low doses.
CBD isolates do require higher does than whole plant CBD-rich oil

extracts. That doesn’t mean the single-molecule version is better.Music

Reports suggest that a synergistic combination of CBD, THC, and other cannabis components can be more effective at lower doses.

Myth #7: CBD is converted to THC in your stomach.
There have been extensive clinical trials demonstrating that CBD,

even at high doses, does not cause THC-like effects.

On the contrary, in the right amounts, CBD can lessen or neutralize the THC “high.”

CBD for Beginners: Special Report 29

Final Words

As we’ve discussed throughout this special report, CBD offers many health benefits, including pain management as well as reducing anxiety and depression.

But CBD goes far beyond that. It has been proven to help reduce symptoms related to cancer (as well as the side effects of cancer treatment such as nausea and vomiting) and much more.

Further, recent research has linked CBD to many benefits relating to the heart and circulatory system, including the ability to lower high blood pressure!

And best of all, regardless of your reasons for experimenting with CBD, it is known to carry little to no side effects.

We hope this special report has provided with you better insight as to how CBD can help improve your quality of life.

To a better tomorrow,


Here are links to a few resources that I believe will help you:

6 Benefits of CBD Oil:

CBD for Anxiety:
>> for-anxiety

CBD Explained:

CBD on Wikipedia:

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