In today’s world of computers, television, magazines and newspapers all spewing out information to us and overloading our brains, it’s no wonder that we have trouble remembering things. It’s sometimes difficult for us to concentrate on the task at hand because of bells, whistles and other modern noisemakers.

We’re also under pressure to multi-task – and tax our brains by going from one job to another and expecting to do them all perfectly. It would be easier if we didn’t have so many outside distractions, but with cell phone and other interruptions, no distraction is a thing of the past.
Our brains, just like the rest of us, can be trained to respond faster and more effectively when called upon and to remember things more easily. Since our brains are comprised of about 90% water, it’s imperative that we hydrate them regularly and often by drinking lots of water — especially during stressful situations.
Sometimes, memory loss and lack of ability to concentrate is blamed on aging, but if the brain is challenged on a regular basis it remains strong. The brain can be challenged or exercised in many different ways, including puzzles (crosswords and Sudoku), games and reading.
Memory loss and lack of concentration is sometimes due to a new medication’s side effects. Be sure and check with your pharmacist or health professional about any prescriptions you take that might be the cause of memory problems.
Diet and physical exercise is also important when fighting memory loss. Eat a diet that’s healthy, including lots of fruits, fish (and lots of protein) and vegetables. Keeping in shape will also help to keep your brain in working order.
Try something new – like taking a class at the local college or taking up a sport such as golf. Your brain will react by expanding its ability to concentrate and to take on new projects. You’ll also feel proud of yourself and in better spirits if you succeed in learning something new.
Suffering from memory loss can be annoying and sometimes devastating, depending on how severe the symptoms are. If you notice that your memory loss is more abrupt than gradual, see a health professional to get tests that will determine if you’re suffering from a medical problem such as Alzheimer’s or another type of degenerative disease. If you’re suffering from severe memory loss, it’s important to get a diagnosis as soon as possible.