The practice of meditation can help you get the sleep you need – a deeper and more refreshing sleep will make you feel more refreshed and alert the next day. Meditation can also help people who have trouble falling asleep by relaxing the muscles and the mind so that sleep comes more quickly.

How Meditation Can Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

            Many people take a wide variety of pills for a variety of reasons. Adding sleeping pills to the mix can cause sleep interruption and next-day drowsiness. Meditation is a much better way to go, but be patient – it can take time and practice to master the art enough to get the results you need.

            There are many ways to meditate – with or without music, candles, sitting quietly and letting your mind wander or the more intense techniques of yoga meditation. Meditation eases your stress and calms your worries so that you’ll fall asleep more peacefully.

            To focus on your meditation, try some tricks of the trade such as a mantra (a positive phrase repeated in your mind or aloud), deep breathing or relaxing CDs. When thoughts enter your mind that threatens to disrupt your meditation time, focus on pushing them out and letting more positive thoughts enter.

Creating the following atmosphere will allow you to easily focus on your meditation:

  • Choose a Quiet Place, Free of Distractions – It could be a room in your house or a park bench beside a lake. Try and rid the area of all distractions such as television, phones and other annoyances.
  • Be Comfortable – Sit in a comfortable position, using cushions or pillows if you prefer. Dress in light, easy flowing clothing, take off your shoes and wear nothing that binds your body.
  • Relax – Close your eyes and let your mind wander. You may want to use the imagery of a lake or a field of flowers to help you focus on meditating.
  • Breathe – Take deep, regular breaths and focus on each one as the air enters and leaves your body. Deep breathing techniques can help to relieve stress and increase your oxygen levels.

Practicing meditation for 10 to 15 minutes per day, preferably before you go to bed, should eventually help improve your sleep patterns and assist you in getting a good night’s sleep.

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