If you live somewhere that gets close to freezing temperature in the winter, you know
how harsh it can be on your skin and hair. Your feet also tend to take quite the beating
with cold and dry weather, whether you are indoors or outdoors. Here are some easy
ways to take good care of your feet during the winter.

Exfoliate on a Regular Basis
This might go without saying, but make sure you are taking the time to exfoliate your
feet properly. This is a really important way to have healthy, smooth, beautiful feet year-
round. In the winter, you spend a lot of time with your feet in socks and shoes, which
can create unwanted moisture. This often leads to dead skin cell buildup, so you need
to exfoliate your feet to remove it. Many foot scrubs are available, or you can make your
own using either sea salt, another type of coarse salt, white or brown sugar.
Also Use Lotion
Lotion is a necessary way to provide essential moisture to your feet. Perhaps in the
winter, it is a bit cold, but not rainy or snowing, so you still wear open-toed shoes during
the day. However, the weather is still dry in the winter, which can lead to dryness of
your feet. Use a lotion every day throughout your entire body to add in some moisture,
but don?t forget about your feet and toes.
Stop Wearing Constricting Footwear
While you want your feet to have moisture, you don?t want the wrong kind of moisture. If
your feet are sweating and you are wearing constricting footwear, there isn?t enough air
circulation to keep them fresh and free of bacteria spreading. Try to wear socks that
breathe, such as cotton, and shoes that aren?t super tight. If you want to wear your
heels for a night out with the girls or during an important work meeting, do so, but
consider more practical shoes on a regular basis. This really will do wonders for your
Clean Underneath Your Toenails
This may sound unappealing, but it is possible you have dirt and bacteria hiding
underneath your toenails without realizing it. Every time you want to re-paint your
toenails, remove the old nail polish completely so you know if you need to clean
underneath the nails. After cleaning them thoroughly, you can then paint them again.