In the winter, you are dealing with a different climate, which affects how your skin reacts. This includes how you look with makeup. Here are some makeup tips to follow in the winter when the temperatures start dropping.

Moisturize Before Applying Makeup
While this is something you should be doing every day regardless of the weather or season, it is even more important during the winter. You need to have moisturizer on every day so that you protect your skin and replenish moisture that is often stripped away from those cold, dry winds. Put on moisturizer beneath your makeup every morning so that you know you have it on without worrying too much about it later in the day. If you use a moisturizer with SPF, you are also getting your sunscreen.
Try a Lightweight Coverage
A big benefit to the winter is that you don’t need to pile on the makeup. In fact, it is better if you don’t. You might like wearing darker colors in the fall season, but when winter comes along, think lighter coverage. Use a foundation that is light as possible in order to get the coverage you want. You don’t have to skip makeup entirely, but try not to go for the heavy stuff. This is often too heavy for your sensitive skin in the wintertime.
Avoid Products That are Too Drying
If you have been using the same makeup products for a while, you probably know which ones re drying and which ones aren’t. Now is the perfect time to skip any cosmetics that have a tendency to dry your face. This might be your normal concealer, foundation, brush, bronzer, or setting powder. Your skin is already going to be fighting dryness throughout the entire cold weather season, so the last thing you should do is make it worse. Consult with your local department makeup counter if you need something with a little more moisturizing power.
Use a Primer
Lastly, use a primer underneath your foundation or powder. The primer can go on over your moisturizer once it dries. This creates a smoother finish, and can also provide more protection to your skin, which reduces wind burns, redness, and drying from being outdoors in the winter. It also makes it much easier to apply a foundation with flawless finish, so there is definitely a bonus with using it.