For many men and women, arthritis is a life-altering disease.  Swelling of the joints, which causes stiffness and pain, isn’t reserved for the over 60 crowd – it also affects many children in the world, which is why herbal remedies are gaining in popularity.

Alfalfa is commonly used for arthritic treatment, because the tea remedy is effective when taken for two to three weeks with a seven to ten day break between consumption.


 The herb Angelica is another arthritis treatment because it contains anti-inflammatory constituents and muscle relaxants as well as natural pain-relievers.  This herb is used in a tea concoction as well, with the same frequency and breaks as the alfalfa remedy.

Black cohosh, an American Indian herb used in the treatment of arthritis symptoms, has qualities similar to aspirin as well as anti-inflammatory and anti-spasm constituents.

Boswellia, yet another herb used to treat arthritis, is similar to an over the counter or prescription-level non-steroid anti-inflammatory.  It’s better than synthetic drugs, however, because it doesn’t give the user ulcers after long-term use.

Believe it or not, celery is another plant that can be used to treat arthritis.  The celery seeds and other portions of the plant contain over 25anti-inflammatory compounds, as well as providing massive amounts of potassium, which is important because a deficiency in potassium is often a culprit of arthritic pain.

 If celery isn’t your cup of tea, then how about using the herb Devil’s claw or even Epsom salt?  Both have anti-inflammatory properties and can help alleviate swelling and pain, symptoms especially aggravating to someone suffering from the affliction.

 There are many other herbs that contribute to arthritic treatment, such as feverfew, ginger, American ginseng, hop tea, licorice, mustard plaster, oregano, pineapple, red pepper, rosemary, sesame seeds, stinging nettle, turmeric, wild cucumber bark, wild yam, willow, wintergreen, and yucca.

 Some of these herbs are used topically, as the minerals are absorbed into the skin, while others are ingested internally for maximum benefits.  As with all medications or treatment, you should consult your doctor before taking herbs, especially if you’re already on other medications prescribed by your doctor.

Arthritis Pain

Arthritis is a joint condition that causes pain and inflammation in the joints. Some of the most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. There are many ways to treat arthritis.

  Arthritis can be very debilitating and painful, and it is one of the most common chronic diseases in the USA. More than 20 million people are affected by arthritis, and it costs the US over 200 billion dollars every year.

  Pain is a terrorizing symptom for arthritis sufferers. You may have tried many remedies to manage your pain only to find that nothing seems to work as well as you’d hoped.

  Arthritis is a painful condition, and it can be difficult to identify the right treatment.

  Untreated arthritis can lead to other serious health problems like depression, difficulty sleeping, and more.

  Arthritis affects people of all ages and backgrounds. It’s best to know what kind of arthritis you have so you can be confident your treatments are working!

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