Mosquitoes are the terror of the outdoors in the summertime, with itchy and burning bites that last for days. Luckily, there are some ways to prevent being bitten or avoid them altogether.

Repel Them With Essential Oils

If you are going to be outside in the summer heat or during a humid day, mosquitoes are probably going to be flying around. You won’t always be able to avoid places where mosquitoes like to live, but you can at least keep them away from your skin. One way to do this is by using scents they don’t like, in the form of essential oils. Dilute eucalyptus and lemon essential oils with a carrier oil, then apply it to your skin that will be exposed. This should keep them away long enough to enjoy the outdoors without coming back with mosquito bites.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Another natural option to repel mosquitoes from your skin and keep them from biting you is with apple cider vinegar. This is all natural and won’t harm your skin, though you should test it on a small area first to make sure you don’t get an allergic reaction. You can rub it directly on your skin, but if you don’t like the smell, you can also dilute it with some water first. If you start adding apple cider vinegar to your foods or your water, you. can actually build up an odor in your skin that mosquitoes and flies hate and they will eventually leave you alone.

Use Fans to Keep Them Away

Believe it or not mosquitoes hate wind and breezes, so that can help keep them away from you. The wind makes it hard for them to fly, so they will stay away from it. If you. are somewhere with an electric outlet, such as your back patio, consider bringing some fans outside to blow in various directions close to where you are. This should keep the mosquitoes in the yard and away from the patio. While camping, this might not be an option unless you can find a batter-operated fan for the picnic table.

Mosquito bites are not usually harmful, but they can cause burning and itching of the area. Apply something cooling to the area if you do get bit, such as essential oils or aloe vera gel. There are also natural products sold in many drug stores and natural health. stores for mosquito bites.

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