How easy is it for you to take care of your hair? There are a large percentage of people who feel that many of their beauty needs are difficult to meet, and this has given rise to a large number of companies that cater to specific hair types and textures, but what if there was a better way to take care of your hair using substances that are found in nature and are good for all hair types? Keep reading to find out how you can nourish your hair, even during the coldest and driest months.

Nourish Your Hair

Egg Yolk Conditioner

When you sit down for breakfast in the morning, the last thing you?re thinking about is hair health. Especially when you?re looking at a plate of eggs, but it turns out that egg yolk makes an amazing hair conditioner. Applying the egg to your hair will make it super silky smooth and a gorgeous shine. Just be sure to avoid using hot water to wash it out, or you will turn your hair into a breakfast scramble.


Avocado is a super food of mass proportions. Not only is it super healthy and great for the mind, it makes an outrageously silky smooth conditioner for the hair. You can simply blend a large avocado or two until they become super smooth and creamy. Simply work it into your scalp all the way to the root of your hair. Rinse and follow with your normal shampoo routine.

Coconut Oil

This oil is famous for its pleasing smell, and it ability to be combined with multiple other methods to create new and powerful mixtures that can nourish and protect your hair.
The high amount of saturated fats contained in this oil make great fillers for damaged and dry hair. Rub a large amount between your hands and massage into the scalp and. let in sit on the hair. Shampoo as usual.

Banana Paste

This one might be surprising to some, but banana has some powerful nutrient rich flesh to it that is great for your hair. Mash it into a paste and spread it evenly onto your hair.
You can put a small amount of coconut oil to help it be able to mix into your hair more easily. When you rinse it out, your hair will be noticeably more soft and healthy.

You can also mix and match and get creative with these natural ingredients.

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