Growing an herb garden indoors can be rewarding and fun. And it can be simple if done the right way from the start.
Proper education before you get going is the key to success.
Here are eight tips to keep in mind when growing an herb garden indoors:

Adequate Sun Exposure – Most herbs need sun for about six to eight hours a day, so make sure you find a location in your house that offers this amount of sunlight. Proper sunlight is also responsible for the flavor of your herbs. The more sunlight they get, the better the flavor.
Proper Temperature – Keep the temperatures in your house or the room the herbs are located in at around 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. If you need to reduce the growth of herbs, reduce the temperatures to about 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Water – Herbs need a moderate amount of water daily. It is best to keep the soil of herbs damp. Watering can easily be forgotten, so make a plan and keep to a schedule. Remember, now that the herbs are indoors, they do not get water from rain, so it is up to you to keep up with it.
Keep Herbs Separate – For long-term success, you should keep your herbs separate. This way they can each get the individual attention they need. It also helps with plant rotation, and if one plant gets infested with pests the others don’t have to suffer.
Proper Containers – Containers need to have proper drainage so that the herbs are not sitting in too much water. Add a thin layer of rocks to the bottom of your pots before filling with soil to allow the water to settle there instead of in the soil. You may even need to poke or drill a few holes in the bottom of the container if they don’t have any to start with.
Rotate – Herbs need proper rotation under the sun to help with air circulation and to prevent mold. Turn your plants or rotate them a little every day so that each side gets the right amount of sun. This will also promote even growth.
Soilless Potting Mix – Indoor herbs need special attention when it comes to soil because it needs to provide more drainage. Dirt from the ground is too compact and usually less nutritious. Make sure you pick a soil that is listed for indoor gardens.
Feed With Fertilizer – Fertilize your herbs once a week to promote strong growth. The best fertilizers for herbs are seaweed extract or fish based.
Keep these tips in mind when starting or growing your indoor garden. This way you are sure to have a garden that will keep up with your delicious recipes. You’ll wow your family and your guests.

Ten Herbs To Grow In Your Kitchen
Fresh herbs are a wonderful addition to meals, providing great flavor and health benefits. The amazing thing is that there are plenty of herbs you can grow in your house without the need for a home garden. All you need is a few windowsills with proper sunlight, water, and a few plant pots.
Basil – Basil is an amazingly versatile herb that can be used for just about anything, from pesto to sauces or even frozen desserts like watermelon sorbet. Basil offers a nice peppery mint flavor and is said to be a powerful antibacterial.
Chamomile – Chamomile is an herb traditionally used as medicine due to its anti-inflammatory and calming properties. Chamomile is best in teas to help ease an upset stomach or help you sleep.
Chives – Chives have a mild onion flavor that goes great with soups and vegetable dishes. Add chives to butter or cream cheese to make a savory spread.
Lavender – Lavender is a beautiful herb that can be used in foods or even for cosmetic uses like homemade face masks. Lavender can help ease anxiety and depression and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Mint – Growing mint indoors is actually a better option overall because mint tends to run wild and take up the whole garden. Keeping mint by itself, in a small container, will control the growth. Use mint to enhance the flavor of water or even throw it into a delicious smoothie.
Oregano – Oregano is a bright green leafy herb that is traditionally used in Greek or Italian dishes. Oregano has a strong but appealing flavor, so a little goes a long way.
Parsley – This bright green leafy herb has a peppery flavor that is traditionally used as a garnish but can also make a great flavor enhancer to many protein dishes. Parsley is also an anti-inflammatory and high in vitamin C, calcium, iron and fiber.
Rosemary – Rosemary is a highly aromatic herb that has wood-like stems and short pine-like needles. This herb can be used by itself as an air freshener or used to enhance the flavor of meats like lamb, pork, and chicken.
Sage – Sage is an aromatic herb that has a bitter taste that pairs best with dairy. This herb is high in antioxidants and helps improve digestion.
Thyme – This herb is used in the Mediterranean, Italian and French dishes that we all love. It’s also often paired with other herbs such as rosemary, parsley, and oregano. Thyme has a sweet, pungent flavor and has small leaves with a woody stem.
The best part about having an herb garden in your kitchen is that they are readily available. Readily available herbs also have the best flavor and health benefits. Plus, they unleash creative cooking ideas.
Common Mistakes When Growing Herbs
Starting an herb garden is a great way to add flavor to your foods or decoration to your garden or home. If you are looking to set up a garden and never have before, then an herb garden is a great place to start because it’s fairly simple.
Before you get started, though, here are a few common mistakes people make when starting an herb garden that you should avoid.
Starting From Seed – Starting herbs from seeds can come with some unknown complications. There are plenty of starter plants that can be found at gardening stores that will bring better luck and less stress to your herb garden, especially if you are new to herb gardening.
Picking Unhealthy Plants – When looking for starter plants, find ones that are bright in color, have plenty of foliage and no signs of bugs or eggs.
Too Much Variety – Starting an herb garden can be quite exciting with all the options available, but it is best to start small. This way you are not too overwhelmed and can learn what each variety of herb likes as they grow. For example, some herbs like cilantro are sensitive to drought and can die easily if not watered properly.
Incorrect Planting – When you are first starting an herb garden, it is best to keep the different types separate and not overcrowd. Be sure to do your research on what herbs to grow well together as well. Herbs like mint will take over pretty much any space you put them in.
Not Enough Water – It is easy to confuse herbs with houseplants when it comes to watering. They are small and seem delicate, so less water seems right, but most herbs actually prefer daily watering. Make sure the water mostly touches the soil and not the leaves.
Using Bad Soil – Most soil on the ground lacks the proper nutrients to allow an herb garden to flourish. Use organic soil or potting soil with organic compost for best results.
Not Pruning Soon Enough – Pruning your herbs is an important step because it encourages even and fast growth. Skipping this step prevents the herb from re-growing and producing more herbs. Cut the herb down to just about a set of growing leaves and always cut from the top, not the bottom.
Wrong Environment – Not enough sun, too much sun, too cold outside or too hot outside… these factors all play a role in how well your herbs grow. Most herbs need about six hours of proper sunlight but prefer an environment at around 65 to 75 degrees F.
If you keep these common mistakes in mind when starting your own herb garden, you will have a fun and great time gardening. And if you do make mistakes, it’s OK – just keep learning and keep growing.