It’s been a few months since summer is over, and it seems like the sun is never out. If you pass by a bottle of sunscreen every day in the bathroom, or on the counter as you leave your house, you’ve probably decided that it’s not that important to wear sunscreen, but contrary to popular belief, it could be the exact opposite. The sun is present even if it isn’t entirely visible, so it could be important for you to read this article about why you should wear sunscreen in the winter.

Most Radiation Can Pass Through Clouds
Research has shown that more than 75% of the radiation like UV rays can pass through the clouds with ease. This can be especially bad because wet air can refract light androids intensify how hard it hits your skin resulting into stealthy burns. Be sure to cover yourself enough to protect problematic areas like the top of your nose and wear a hat.
The Higher You Are, the More Radiation You Get
When you’re on a mountain trip, it’s extremely important to note that exposure to UV light increases by 5 – 6% with every 900 – 1000 feet that you have traveled above sea level. This is mostly because the UV radiation is passing through less matter than can reduce its impact. Wearing protective gear is more important at high altitudes so it should be worn while you are outside at all times.
Less Exposure to Radiation Slows Some Aging
When UV light continually hits the skin, it causes a sort of biological oxidation that cause a sort of premature aging. Limiting that exposure can reduce the amount of radiation you absorb and therefore reduce the aging. If you can’t cover yourself completely, turn towards using a think sunscreen that actually physically shields you from the UV rays.
Sunscreens like this will be thick and white, and usually contain ingredients like Zinc oxide to form a protective barrier, and it can be found in most stores.
Cancer Found on The Neck and Scalp
Lastly, it’s very important to note that 9 – 11% of the deadliest cancers are found on the head and neck areas of the body because those are often the most exposed to the rays on a continual basis through the day. Wearing sunscreen can not only protect you from burns, but it could also save your life.